Historical Arms & Military Society of Tasmania
Patron Peter Hodge - RFD RETD
Sub Committees
Historical Military Vehicle Group (HMVG)
Military Research Group (MRG)
Military Model Making (MMM)
Historical Military Re-enactment Group (HMRG)
Women at War (WAW)
February 2025
4th Clubrooms Open 10-12
11th Clubrooms Open 10-12
18th Clubrooms Open 10-12
20th First Settlers 1804 Floral Tribute (11am Hobart Wharf)
22nd Working Bee - Clubrooms 9-3
23rd War Animals Remembrance - Campbell Town 10.30am
21st Clubrooms Open 3pm - 7pm
25th Clubrooms Open 10-12
28th Research Group, Clubrooms 5pm 28th HAMST General Meeting 7.00pm - 9pm
Guest Speaker - Blake Repine - Battle of Lafiere 82nd airborne division June 6-9th 1944)
Further Updates - Go to "News"

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HAMST New Member Application form


The aim of the Historical Arms & Military Society (HAMST) is to preserve and promote all the aspects of historical arms, militaria of any kind, and military history. The Society is not a para-military organization and in no way glorifies or supports the concepts of war. It has over 100 members and is actively involved in the community. The society's intention is to relive military history through re-enactments, displays and commemoration events, to ensure the military sacrifice and history of our Australian forces are never forgotten.
The society promotes the lawful interest of Military Medals, Uniforms, Vehicles, Ammunition, Bayonets, Artillery, Swords, Helmets, Headwear, Knives and War Souvenirs. HAMST have a number of Sub Groups - Historical Military Vehicles, Women at War, Re-enacting, Research and Model making groups. Many members enjoy recreational and target shooting and we encourage the responsible ownership and safe handling of firearms.
Meetings are held at the Glenorchy HAMST clubrooms 322 Main Road, Glenorchy (opposite Glenorchy Police Station) 7.00 - 9pm, (clubrooms open at 5.30 pm) on the last Friday of each month. Meetings include a variety of guest speakers who give in-depth presentations of our military history for us to all enjoy. We also encourage junior members (accompanied by parent or guardian member) to become an active part of the life of the society.
If you have have an interest in preserving our military history..... why not join HAMST ?
Come and join us as we explore and relive your military history. We would love to see you.
ng. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.
$70 per year ($35.00 second family members and juniors)

HAMST - works with, recommends and supports the following Military groups & Businesses:
Defence Transport Heritage Tasmania
Huon Combined Shooting Club
Hobart Legacy
Northern Light Horse, War Animals, Nurses Group
Arms Collectors Guild Tasmania
Military Collectors of Tasmania
Southern range Sports
Kingston RSL
Lenah Valley RSL
South Arm RSL
Jackman's Bodyworks
Jackman's Body & Paint
Total Automotive
Australian Cartridge Collectors Association
Tasmanian Light Horse Association
1804 First Settlers Association
Dowling McCarthy tyres
Salvation Army
McCanns Model world
Milspares Queensland