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HAMST Women At War - This emerging new sub-group is being created to remember, retell and celebrate some of the incredible achievements and untold stories of 'Women' during wartime.

If you would like to chat with or be involved in this part of our military history, please contact our ladies below who will be happy to share your interest.

Bernadette ( 0408240558) -  

Kim  ( 0432799784 - )




The group is:

  • managed by the executive of HAMST with two members as sub-committee managers.

  • actively involved in exploring all aspects of our ladies military service throughout the years.

  • bound by the rules and constitution of HAMST.

  • will liaise with similar like-minded groups and organizations to provide information of women's military service, for the benefit of HAMST members and interested groups.

  • will provide displays or events of women's military service for events conducted by HAMST.



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