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Historical  Military Vehicle Group


Steve Denholm - 0431089626

Barry Clarke 0488009998

  • The Historical Military Vehicle Group (HMVG)  is a sub group of HAMST. It is managed by the executive of HAMST with two HAMST members as the management committee.

  • HMVG members meet at the clubrooms or where vehicles are stored and assist any club members who have military vehicles, including club vehicles. This advice includes the collation of vehicles/trailers, assistance with repairs and displays. They will also provide advice on parts and vehicle accessories.

  • Two club members (Barry & Steve) are authorised VC military Vehicle Registration Inspector Scrutineers and can assist where VC Registration is required. (Note: Under the banner of Defence Transport Heritage Tasmania - for VC military vehicle inspections contact qualified vehicle mechanics Barry or Steve) 

  • The HMVG group are responsible for HAMST vehicles including registration details, organizing inspections and the collation of a 'parts' register. They are also responsible for the promotion and facilitation of public displays where military vehicles are involved.   

  • Members are bound by the rules and constitution of HAMST. 

  • Military vehicles must have been used by the services, and are presented in a way that reflects respect and retains military history.

  • It is recommended that drivers dress in an appropriate manner to enhance their military vehicle.

  • HMVG will meet to arrange club and community events to promote co-operation with members and the community. 


I you have a military vehicle and would like the support of an active community based military vehicle group, this is the club for you!!!



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