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Exciting Upcoming HAMST events

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7th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
14th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
20th Committee Meeting 7pm
21st Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
23rd Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
28th Clubrooms Open  (10-12)
31st General Meeting - 
 (Guest Speaker -Robbie Turner)  

 4th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
11th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
18th Clubrooms Open (10-12)
20th Floral Tribute 1804 First Settlers -11am Hobart Wharf

23rd War Animals Day - Campbell Town
28th Clubrooms Open (10-12)
28th Research Group (5pm)

28th  General meeting (7-9pm)- ( Guest Speaker - TBA) 

4th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
11th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
14-16 HAMST Mainland trip - War Memorial

18th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
23rd HAMST Re-enacting Practice (1-3)

25th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
28th Research Group (5pm)
28th HAMST General meeting (7-9)- (Members show & tell)
Woodsdale Picnic/Fair  (TBA) 
Brim Creek Show (Light Horse) (TBA)

1th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
7th Committee Meeting 7pm
8th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
15th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
22th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )

25th ANZAC Day
25th Research Group (5pm)
25th HAMST General Meeting - (Guest Speaker TBA)

6th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
13th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
27th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
31st Research Group (5pm)
31th HAMST general meeting  (Guest Speaker - Leigh Windburn - Discovering our ANZAC)
Battle of Crete memorial ,Cenotaph, 

3rd Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
10th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
17th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
24th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )

27th Research Group (5pm)
27th HAMST  - Annual General Meeting
Boer War Remembrance 12 midday - Queens Domain  (TBA) Boer War Remembrance 12 midday  - Launceston - (TBA)

1nd Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
8th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
15th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
22rd Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
25th Research Group (5pm)
27th Re-enacting Practice (1-3)

25th HAMST General Meeting (Guest Speaker  -TBA)
29th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
Korean Veterans Day 

4th Committee Meeting 7pm
5th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
12th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
19h Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
26th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
30th Research Group (5pm)
30th HAMST  general meeting(Guest Speaker - TBA)
Malayan Emergency
Vietnam Remembrance Day  -  (Battle Long Tan)

2nd Clubrooms Open (10-12)
9th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
16th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
23th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
26th Research Group (5pm)
26th HAMST General Meeting  (Members Show & Tell)
Legacy Badge Week
Merchant Navy Day
Battle For Australia Remembrance

Battle Britain Remembrance - Hobart Cenotaph

7tht Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
14th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )

11-12th HAMST  Military History Fair 
14th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
21st Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
31st Research Group (5pm)
31st HAMST general meeting  (Guest Speaker  - TBA)
El-Alamein Day (TBC)

3rd Committee Meeting 7pm
4th  Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
11th Remembrance Day  -  (11am)
18th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
24th Re-enacting Practice

25th Clubrooms Open (10-12 )
28th Christmas  Function  (Guest Speaker  - TBA)
Tasmanian Heritage & Military Fair  (Agfest grounds)
Military Model & Lego show, Sorell

(No meetings in December)
HAMST Bunnings BBQ at Bunnings Mornington 8-4pm

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